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October 18, 2016

RAMSA Launches Travel Sketch Gallery

RAMSA Launches Travel Sketch Gallery
Today RAMSA launched its Sketch Gallery with the inaugural exhibition "Drawing from Experience: A Gallery of Travel Sketches by Robert A.M. Stern Architects Staff." The new gallery space at the firm's offices will host a series of exhibits and events celebrating the talents of RAMSA staff.

The exhibition focuses on drawings of buildings and places created to capture the essence and significance of the subject for the benefit of the sketcher. The Sketch Gallery Jury, consisting of Kevin M. Smith, Partner; Christopher Heim, Senior Associate; Armando Amaral, Associate; Clay Hayles, Associate; and Huaxia Song, evaluated works based on graphic quality, subject matter, composition, style, and technique. The exhibitors are: David Abecassis, Matthew Cook, Melissa DelVecchio, Carlos Gamez, Constantin Geanakoplos, Melody Hanna, Peter Harmatuk, Christopher Heim, Silas Jeffrey, Ian Lauer, Leo Liu, May Liu, Daniel Lobitz, Tony McConnell, Robert Moldafsky, Naomi Ocko, Raphael Ogoe, Anna Orlando, David Pearson, Javier Perez, Natalie Pierro, Mason Roberts, Mark Santrach, Kevin Smith, Huaxia Song, Jacob Tilove, Duy Vo, and Laura Wang.
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