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January 11, 2021

Robert A.M. Stern Architects Announces 2021 RAMSA Travel Fellowship Call for Proposals

Robert A.M. Stern Architects Announces 2021 RAMSA Travel Fellowship Call for Proposals

The call for proposals for the ninth annual RAMSA Travel Fellowship was released today.

The RAMSA Travel Fellowship is a $10,000 prize awarded annually by Robert A.M. Stern Architects for travel and research. The fellowship seeks to promote investigations into the perpetuation of tradition through invention—key to the firm’s own work—and is given to an individual who has proven insight and interest in the profession and its future, as well as the ability to carry forth in-depth research.

The fellows typically complete their travel in the summer and present their research to RAMSA’s office in New York City the following spring. This year the jury recognizes that summer travel may be postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. If safe travel to the proposed location is not feasible in 2021, RAMSA will work with the fellow to determine an alternate timeline and/or proposal.

RAMSA has also expanded the list of eligible schools from 21 to include all NAAB-accredited schools in the United States. Students in the penultimate year of a graduate-level professional degree program in architecture may apply to the prize.

Submissions are due on March 31, 2021, and the jury will announce the winner on April 21, 2021.

Past recipients have traveled to Austria, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and various cities in the United States, where they have studied a wide range of topics.

Interested students can download the 2021 application forms at The fellowship is administered by the RAMSA Research Department. Please email with any questions.

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