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November 13, 2020

Melissa DelVecchio on Traditional Architecture Conference Panel "Architecture and Traditional Building Crafts"

Melissa DelVecchio on Traditional Architecture Conference Panel "Architecture and Traditional Building Crafts"

On Friday, November 13, 2020 at 1:20pm EST, RAMSA Partner Melissa DelVecchio and metallurgist-artist Zoltan Kovacs will discuss the design and fabrication of the entryway gates for the new residential colleges at Yale University during a virtual panel discussion about collaborations between architects and artisans as part of the Traditional Architecture Conference. Architect José María Rincón and stone mason Rodrigo de la Torre will discuss several projects including the restoration of historic monuments in Spain. The panel will be moderated by Smithsonian Curator Marjorie Hunt. The conference is free and open to the public. Click here to register.

Melissa DelVecchio is a partner at Robert A.M. Stern Architects. She is the design lead for many of the firm’s most complex academic and institutional projects, and directs the Research Department. Building upon her education that included an intensive study of classical architecture and a subsequent immersion into contemporary design, her work synthesizes tradition and invention, reinforcing the many visual, social, environmental, and cultural influences that give places identity and meaning. Melissa’s projects include two new residential colleges at Yale University and the first LEED Gold-certified academic building in China. She is currently working on the restoration and adaptive reuse of the Schwarzman Center at Yale, a historic Carrère & Hastings’ building that will be transformed into a social hub for the university’s students; and the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art, the anchor for the University of Notre Dame’s new arts district.

Melissa is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects and a member of the Richard H. Driehaus Prize jury, the Rafael Manzano Martos Prize jury, and the RAMSA Travel Fellowship jury. In Spring 2021, she will serve as the Robert A.M. Stern Visiting Professor of Classical Architecture at the Yale School of Architecture.

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