RAMSA Partner
Melissa DelVecchio will present "Building Communities: Expanding Yale's Residential College System" at the Traditional Building Conference in July.
The residential college system at Yale is the cornerstone of undergraduate life, breaking down the larger population into smaller, more closely-knit communities. RAMSA is designing two new residential colleges at Yale, the first to be planned since Eero Saarinen’s designs for Ezra Stiles College and Samuel F.B. Morse College were realized in 1962. They are also the first residential colleges to be designed since Yale began admitting women in 1969.
Eight of the original ten residential colleges at Yale were designed by James Gamble Rogers in the 1920s and 1930s, when he helped to establish the Gothic as the style with which Yale is most closely identified today.
Ms. DelVecchio, Project Partner, will discuss how the new colleges bring twenty-first-century standards of collegiate living and environmental responsibility to residential life at Yale. When complete, the new colleges will, with Rogers' influence, capture in physical form the essential spirit of residential life at Yale, reifying that which is good from the past, while at the same time responding to the campus’s evolving culture.
The Traditional Building Conference is being held at the Yale Lawn Club in New Haven, Connecticut July 19-20, 2016. For more information about the conference, please
click here.