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The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia


Project Partners


The new Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, housing the Sixth Federal Reserve District Headquarters and the Atlanta Branch, occupies a key Midtown site on the west side of Peachtree Street, between 10th and 11th Streets. The new 750,000 square foot facility combines a ten-story office tower with a low base housing a conference center as well as facilities for processing checks and cash. The mission of this project was to create a new facility to satisfy the Bank's functional requirements, make a positive contribution to the City of Atlanta, and present an image of stability consistent with the Bank's role as a model public institution.

Building upon the Sixth Federal Reserve District's own architectural history, and drawing inspiration from Paul Cret's Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington, the new Atlanta Fed is classical but in a modern way, with every effort made in the handling of the window-wall to set it apart from typical office buildings without sacrificing internal space-planning flexibility. The main entrance is off Peachtree Street, where many visitors arrive, especially tourists and schoolchildren who visit the money museum and tour the facility; but to accommodate staff and many visitors who arrive by car, a significant secondary lobby on the third floor serves the parking garage at the building's west end.







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  • Robert A.M. Stern Architects © 2025. All rights reserved.